Deadlift One Rep Max (1RM) Percentage Chart

Go back to calculate your deadlift 1RM
Percentage Weight Typical Rep Range Common Uses
95% - 1-2 reps Max Strength / Competition
90% - 1-2 reps Max Strength / Competition
85% - 2-3 reps Heavy Singles/Doubles
80% - 3-4 reps Strength Development
75% - 4-6 reps Power Development
70% - 6-8 reps Strength-Hypertrophy
65% - 8-10 reps Hypertrophy Focus
60% - 10-12 reps Muscle Endurance
55% - 12+ reps Technique Work / Warm-up
50% - 12+ reps Technique Work / Warm-up
45% - 12+ reps Technique Work / Warm-up
40% - 12+ reps Technique Work / Warm-up

How to Use This Deadlift 1RM Percentage Chart

This percentage chart helps you calculate training weights based on your one-rep max (1RM) for Deadlift. Here's how to use it:

  1. Enter your 1RM in the input field above
  2. Choose your preferred unit (lb or kg)
  3. The chart will automatically update with all percentages
  4. Use the print button to save or print your personalized chart

Understanding Percentage-Based Training

Different percentages of your 1RM are ideal for different training goals:

  • 90-95%: Maximal strength development, typically 1-2 reps
  • 80-89%: Heavy strength work, 2-4 reps
  • 70-79%: Strength-hypertrophy range, 4-8 reps
  • 60-69%: Hypertrophy focus, 8-12 reps
  • 40-59%: Endurance, technique work, and warm-ups, 12+ reps

Tips for Using This Chart

  • Round weights to the nearest 2.5 lb/1 kg for practical use
  • Use lighter percentages for warm-up sets
  • Progress gradually through percentages during warm-ups
  • Consider printing this chart for easy gym reference